Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sap MM training in Bangalore

Mobile: 9591232001                                                                  

Supply Chain Management Procurement (MM)

History of SAP and introduction to SAP.  Advantages over other ERP packages.
Introduction to client system landscape. Introduction to sap graphical user interface.
                                                                                                            2 Hours
Enterprise structure.
Definitions of company, company code, controlling area, plants, storage locations,
Purchase organizations and their assignments.
                                                                                                            3 hours
Master data.
Material master, vendor master, purchase info record, source list and quota arrangement.
                                                                                                             8 hours
Introduction to different purchasing documents, classification of purchasing documents.
Configuration and creation of different purchasing documents, these include purchase requisitions, request for quotations, purchase orders, contracts and scheduling, agreements.defining release procedure for approval of documents. Creation of purchase orders via assignment list and automatic creation of purchase orders.                 
Defining of conditions types, condition records, condition tables, access sequence and condition technique. Defining calculation schema and determination of schema.
                                                                                                                        12 hours.
Inventory management.
Introduction, movement types, plant parameters settings and goods movement settings. Goods receipts, goods issue, transfer posting functions and different account postings.                                                                                                    
Physical inventory.
Introduction and types of physical inventory, physical inventory process and processing documents.
                                                                                                                   8 hours

Introduction to valuation, material valuation and valuation structure. Split valuation of materials and configuration settings for split valuation.
Account determination.
Introduction to account determination and valuation class, account category reference, transaction/event keys, valuation grouping code, account modifier. Configuration settings and G/L account assignment.
                                                                                                                        4 hours

Logistics invoice verification.
Introduction to invoice verification. Various methods of invoice verification.confiaration setting for invoice verification, posting of invoices and verification of account postings. Invoice blocks and different variance settings.
                                                                                                                        4 hours

External services management.
Introduction to external services management. Introduction of organizational status of service category, service category. Creation of service master. Service PO, service entry sheet, acceptance of service entry sheet and logistics invoice verification.
                                                                                                                        3 hours

Consumption based planning.
Introduction to MRP, MPR procedures, CBP Procedures including reorder point planning, forecast based planning   and time phased planning, lot sizing procedures. MRP master data types of planning run MRP areas, error processing in planning run, net requirements calculation, scheduling, schedule margin key, special procurement types, exception messages, MRP list, stock/requirement lists and comparison. Configurations settings limited to CBP, creation of material with planning views and execution of planning run.
                                                                                                                        4 hours

Country India version (CIN).
Introduction to country India version. CIN master data includes material master, vendor master and plant master, excise registers, subcontracting process.
                                                                                                                        2 hours

Vendor evaluation.
Introduction, weighing keys, ranking methods, main criteria, sub criteria, and settings at purchase organization level. Maintaining master data and evaluation of vendors.
                                                                                                                        1 hours

Ware house management

Introduction, Organizational elements pertaining to ware house management, Interface between Inventory management and ware house management, WHM Strategies :Put away Control and stock removal control, Stock transfer and physical inventory.
Business process in WHM –Goods receipt to Purchase order. Transfer posting from stock to stock, storage location to storage location, material to material. Goods issue to sub contractor stock. Goods issue to cost center.
                                                                                                                        10 hours
Solution Manager Overview

Introduction to solution manager, Advantages of solution Manager, Phases in Implementation project, creation of project, creation of road maps, business blue print definition.                                                                                   4 hours

Contact us today to discover a bright future in SAP.

Mobile: 9591232001                                                                   

(Sap Training in Bangalore, mysap training, sap, sap training and jobs, sap training college, sap training consultants, sap training jobs, sap training resume, sap training schools, sap training university, sap training institutes in Bangalore)

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